[PWN] [RITSIC-CTF 2024] gadget_database Challenge ARM64 Exploitation
( بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ) (إن أحسنت فمن الله، وإن أسأت فمن نفسي والشيطان) I decided to go back to a challenge from RITSEC-CTF 2024 called "gadget_database" After months, it was an ROP challenge in ARM64 binary, let's start. Let's drop the binary into Ghidra to understand what it is doing, "main" function checks the return value from the "answer" function. If it is right we will trigger a branch that is vulnerable to buffer overflow because it takes "0x200" byte and the buf size "32" byte. "answer" function checks a password value and it is fixed. now it is an ARM64 binary and we running on Intel Processor so we have to setup the script for debugging using "gdb-mutliarch" and "qemu" when we run the script with "GDB" argument it will run "qemu-aarch64-static -g 2020 ./gadget_database" to start a listener for gdb and in our "gdb-mutliarch" session we ca