[NahamconCTF] Pwn Challenges (So Much Cache & Gopherflow Returns)
( بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ) (إن أحسنت فمن الله، وإن أسأت فمن نفسي والشيطان) Hoy, let's go through the challenges from NahamconCTF . I wanna thank Mohamed (ixSly) for his support in this CTF. 1. So Much Cache (hard) This one was easy and direct if we understand what it is doing we finish, let's start. it gives us the ability to allocate places in memory, free it, and jump to a location that the binary chooses, if we can control this location it will be a simple "ret2win" (we have a win function to read the flag). we can write in our allocation with size (input size * 3) if we create an allocation 8 we can write into the memory (8*3) size which will overflow and corrupt the next heap allocation metadata and that is what we need. what we will do? create allocation with size "16" (you can do it with different size). fill this allocation with "(A* ((16*3)-1) )" the "-1" for the "0x0a" newline. choose "Prepare...