
Showing posts from October, 2019

[Leak] Can I take the user information, please?!!

Hi again it's me :P,  I found a cool bug on a private program I wanna share with you. Like every time I start testing on a target I opened my Burp Suite and start visit every link and send a requests to the website to collect the endpoints, and paths and when I try to add a user on my account I write test on the name and I found that the page send an automatic request to an endpoint to check if this username available or not the endpoint form is the value of username which you write on the input field will be added to the q parameter and the server will send a post request to the endpoint the problem here is the response which gives me a lot of information about this username like email, phone number, UUID, company's information, and a lot of other information almost all of the account information except password, it was cool for me but it's not very cool because I should get the username to get this information I co...

[Part 1] What is XSS and Example of Filters & Bypasses

Hi again XD and another topic in this one we will talk about Cross Site-Scripting (XSS). What is XSS? it's a type of injection bugs which enables the attackers to inject Client-Side scripts into the web page, there are two common types of XSS: Reflected XSS :  works where the malicious string  originates  from the victim's request, the second one  Stored XSS : works where the malicious string originates from the website's database. DOM-based XSS : works where the vulnerability is in the client-side code rather than the server-side code. How to exploit XSS? let's start with basic XSS and go over to some XSS filters and bypasses, now if we have a link like that the response on the web page will be Welcome flex if we try to inject a JS script on the parameter name like <script>alert('XSS')</script> if I add it to the parameter name the website will take and print it on the web pa...

[Bypass] Cool Open redirect Bypasses

Hey guys, it's me again XD, I will talk about some open redirect protection bypasses it will help you I hope that. let's start now if your target has an endpoint like /path/redirect.php?url=  this endpoint can used to redirect the user to another path after login or signup or anything and some websites make it for paths just for paths not to redirect the user to any external domain, if I try to enter on the url parameter what will happen? you will get an error page if there is a protection or you will be redirected to Google and this is a basic open redirect. what if there is a protection and I got the error page now we will start to try a bypass to this protection, you can use this //  this bypass used if the function checks the http/https you can add two forward slashes before the domain name, another bypass this one and %23 refers to  #  the website will see tha...